Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Let salt be salt

This past Sunday our pastor had a wonderful sermon on Matthew 5: 13.  The passage says:  "Let me tell you why you are here.  You're here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth.  If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness?  You've lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage"  (taken from The Message). 
In the children's sermon he explained two main purposes of salt - #1.  it makes things taste delicious and  #2.  it makes stuff from going bad.  Sounds easy.  Sounds simple...but when asked to implement it, well....that's another story.  One of the main points he made during the sermon was JUST BE who God calls you to be, for this time in your life, for His glory.
To be completely honest, I have been thinking a lot of what God's purpose for my life is - for this season.  Should I be at home?  Should I get a job?  What do people think of me if I "just stay at home"?  Am I being lazy?  Is resting in God's presence "enough" of a job?  These are the questions that roll around in my mind.  Society says that I should be busy - doing "busy work"....but one thing I AM sure about is that, for this time of my life, God has called me to rest in Him.  Let Him love on me.  Let me work on my relationship with Him (and of course ALL the other things we stay at home moms do when we are taking care of family! :) ).  I guess you could say that my "salt job" is allowing His grace to flow over me and through me so that in turn I can glorify Him.  That's what I pray the book I'm working on will do - bring glory to Him.
Be encouraged in whatever "salt job" you are in right now.  Be who He wants you to be and rest in the knowledge of His perfect acceptance of you.  When you do this, according to Pastor Len, you will be blessed, the world is best served, and God IS glorified.

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